Show Weekend in South Haven : Random Thoughts

Show Weekend in South Haven

by Diane Brewer on 07/17/11

I'm still in shock.  Saturday Maziey won a major win going  WB, BOW and Robert won a major win going WD, BOS, Polly went BOB and Jonesy went RWD.   Sunday Maziey went BOB, BOW, WB, Jonesy went WD, BOS (for their majors).  Robert went RWD.  Polly got Select Bitch.  That sort of weekend doesn't happen every day.   It was just me and my friends and they were very good sports and helped me show my dogs, load crates, walk dogs, etc.  We had a good time Sat afternoon eating out and relaxing by the pool.  I hope they will still be my friends after such a winning weekend. 

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The name was established in 2,000 but, let's face it, when I was born someone must have put a hound in my hand because I've never been without a hound.